John F. Kennedy - The Presidency

Announcement of Candidacy for the Presidency
The Presidency in 1960
Address to the Houston Ministerial Association
Remarks at the University of Michigan
Address to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Inaugural Address
Kennedy and the Press
Message to the Congress, Urgent Needs
Radio and TV Address: The Berlin Crisis
Address to the United Nations
Address at the Anniversary of the Inaugural
Address at the University of California
Statement on the Steel Crisis
Commencement Address at Yale University
Address at Rice University - Space Effort
Radio and TV Address: Situation at the University of Mississippi
Radio and TV Address: Soviet Missiles in Cuba
Commencement Address at American University
Radio and TV Address: Civil Rights

John and Robert Kennedy

"...there is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in a war, and some men are wounded, and some never leave the country, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some men are stationed in San Francisco. It is very hard in military or personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair."



In this speech, Senator Kennedy announces his candidacy for the Presidency. He discusses the pros and cons of his candidacy, and confronts the religious issue head on. Kennedy was a Roman Catholic. Many felt that this fact was incompatible with the duties of the President. Only one other Catholic, Al Smith, had ever been nominated for the Presidency, and Smith had been roundly defeated. Kennedy confirmed his belief in the separation of Church and State.

Senator Kennedy went on to discuss his plans and hopes for the future and the type of candidate he would be. It was in this speech that introduced the concept of the "New Frontier."

Accepting the Democratic Party Nomination for the Presidency


Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles July15, 1960

Governor Stevenson, Senator Johnson, Mr. Butler, Senator Symington, Senator Humphrey, Fellow Democrats, I want to express my thanks to Governor Stevenson for his generous and heart-warming introduction.

It was my great honor to place his name in nomination at the 1956 Democratic Convention, and I am delighted to have his support and his counsel and his advice in the coming months ahead.

With a deep sense of duty and high resolve, I accept your nomination.

I accept it with a full and grateful heart--without reservation--and with only one obligation, the obligation to devote every effort of body, mind and spirit to lead our Party back to victory and our Nation back to greatness.

I am grateful, too, that you have provided me with such an eloquent statement of our Party's platform. Pledges which are made so eloquently are made to be kept. "The Rights of Man" the civil and economic rights essential to the human dignity of all men--are indeed our goal and our first principles. This is a Platform on which I can run with enthusiam and conviction.

And I am grateful, finally, that I can rely in the coming months on so many others--on a distinguished running-mate who brings unity to our ticket and strength to our Platform, Lyndon Johnson--on one of the most articulate statesmen of our time, Adlai Stevenson--on a great spokesman for our needs as a Nation and a people, Stuart Symington--and on that fighting campaigner who's support I welcome, President Harry S. Truman--on my travelling companion is Wisconson and West Virginia, Senator Hubert Humphrey--on Paul Butler, our devoted and courageous Chairman.

I feel a lot safer now that they are on my side again. And I am proud of the contrast with our Republican competitors. For their ranks are apparently so thin that not one challenger has come forth with both the competence and the courage to make theirs an open convention.

I am fully aware of the fact that the Democratic Party, by nominating someone of my faith, has taken on what many regard as a new and hazardous risk--new, at least since 1928. But I look at it this way: The Democratic Party has once again placed its confidence in the American people, and in their ability to render a free, fair judgement. And you have, at the same time, placed your confidence in me, and in my ability to render a free, fair judgement--to Uphold the Constitution and my Oath of Office--and to reject any kind of religious pressure that might directly or indirectly interfere with my conduct of the Presidency in the national interest. My record of 14 years supporting public education--supporting complete separation of church and state--and resisting pressure from any source on any issue should be clear by now to everyone.

I hope that no American, considering the really critical issues facing this country, will waste his franchise, or throw away his vote--by voting either for me or against me because of my religious affiliation. It is not relevant. I want to stress, what some other political or religious leaders may have said on this subject. It is not relevant what abuses may have existed in other countries or in other times. It is not relevant what pressures, if any, might conceivably be brought to bear on me. I am telling you now what you are entitled to know: that my decisions on any public policy will be my own--as an American, as a Democrat, and as a free man.

Under any circumstances, however, the victory we seek in November will not be easy. We all know that in our hearts. We recognize the power of the forces that will be aligned against us. We know they will invoke the name of Abraham Lincoln on behalf of their candidate--despite the fact that the political career of their candidate has often seemed to show charity toward none, and malice for all.

We know that it will not be easy to campaign against a man who has spoken or voted on every known side of every known issue. Mr. Nixon may feel it is his turn now, after the New Deal and the Fair Deal--but before he deals, someone had better cut the cards.

That "someone" may be the millions of Americans who voted for President Eisenhower but balk at his would be, self appointed successor. For just as historians tell us Richard I was not fit to fill the shoes of bold Henry II, and that Richard Cromwell was not fit to wear the mantle of his Uncle--the might add in future years that Richard Nixon did not measure to the footsteps of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Perhaps he could carry on the Party policies--the politics of Nixon, Benson, Dirksen and Goldwater. But this nation cannot afford such a luxury. Perhaps we could better afford a Coolidge following Harding. And perhaps we could afford a Pierce following Filmore. But after Buchanan, this nation needed a Lincoln--after Taft we needed a Wilson--after Hoover, we needed Franklin Roosevelt...And after 8 years of drugged and fitful sleep, this nation needs strong, creative Democratic leadership in the White House.

But we are not merely running against Mr. Nixon. Our task is not one of merely itemizing Republican failures. Nor is that wholly necessary. For the families forced from the farm will know how to vote without our telling them. The unemployed miners and textile workers will know how to vote. The old people without medical care--the families without a decent home--the parents of children without adequate food or schools--they all know that it's time for a change.

But I think the American people expect more from us than cries of indignation and attack. The times are too grave, the challenge too urgent, and the stakes too high--to permit the customary passions of political debate. We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future. As Winston Churchill said on taking office some 20 years ago: if we open a quarrel between the present and the past, we shall be in danger of losing the future.

Today our concern must be with that future. For the world is changing. The old era is ending. The old ways will not do.

Abroad, the balance of power is shifting. There are new and more terrible weapons--new and uncertain nations--new pressures of population and deprivation. One-third of the world, it has been said, may be free--but one-third is the victim of cruel repression-- and the other one- third is rocked by the pangs of poverty, hunger and envy. More energy is released by the awakening of these new nations than by the fission of the atom itself.

Meanwhile, Communist influence has penetrated further into Asia, stood astride the Middle East, and now festers some ninety miles off the coast of Florida. Friends have slipped into neutrality--and neutrals into hostility. As our keynoter reminded us, the President who began his career by going to Korea, ends it by staying away from Japan.

The world has been close to war before--but now man, who has survived all previous threats to his existence, has taken into his mortal hands the power to exterminate the entire species some seven times over.

Here at home, the changing face of the future is equally revolutionary. The New Deal and the Fair Deal were bold measures for their generations--but this is a new generation.

A technological revolution on the farm has led to an output explosion--but we have yet to learn to harness that explosion usefully, while protecting our farmer's right to full parity income.

An urban population explosion has overcrowded our schools, cluttered up our suburbs, and increased the squalor of our slums.

A peaceful revolution for human rights--demanding an end to racial discrimination in all parts of our community life--has strained at the leashes imposed by timid Executive leadership.

A medical revolution has extended the life of our elder citizens without providing the dignity and security those later years deserve. And a revolution of automation finds machines replacing men in the mines and mills of America, without replacing their incomes or their training or their needs to pay the family doctor, grocer, and landlord.

There has also been a change--a slippage--in our intellectual and moral strength. Seven lean years of draught and famine have withered a field of ideas. Blight has descended on our regulatory agencies--and a dry rot, beginning in Washington, is seeping into every corner of America--in the payola mentality, the expense account way of life, the confusion between what is legal and what is right. Too many Americans have lost their way, their will, and their sense of historic purpose.

It is time, in short, for a new generation of leadership--new men to cope with new problems and new opportunities.

All over the world, particularly in the newer nations, young men are coming to power--men who are not bound by the traditions of the past--men who are not blinded by the old fears and hates and rivalries--young men who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions.

The Republican nominee-to-be, of course, is also a young man. But his approach is as old as McKinley. His Party is the Party of the past. His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's Almanac. Their platform, made up of left-over Democratic planks, has the courage of our old convictions. Their pledge is a pledge to the status quo--and today there can be no status quo.

For I stand tonight facing West on what was once the last frontier. From the lands that stretch 3000 miles behind me, the pioneers of old gave up their safety, their comfort, and sometimes their lives to build a new world here in the West. They were not captives of their own doubts, the prisoners of their own price tags. Their motto was not "every man for himself"--but "all for the common cause." They were determined to make that new world strong and free, to overcome its hazzards and its hardships, to conquer the enemies that threatened from without and within.

Today some would say that those struggles are all over--that all the horizons have been explored--that all the battles have been won--that there is no longer an American frontier.

But I trust that noone in this vast assemblage will agree with those sentiments. For the problems are not all solved, and the battles are not all won--and we stand today on the edge of a New Frontier--the frontier of the 1960's--a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils--a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats.

Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom promised our nation a new political and economic framework. Franlin Roosevelt's New Deal promised security and succor to those in need. But the new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises--it is a set of challenges. It sums up not what I intend to offer to the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. It appeals to their pride, not to their pocketbook--it holds out the promise of more sacrifice instead of more security.

But I tell you that the New Frontier is here, whether we seek it or not. Beyond that frontier are the uncharted areas of science and space, unsolved problems of peace and war, unconquered pockets of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus. It would be easier to shrink from that new frontier, to look to the safe mediocrity of the past, to be lulled by good intentions and high rhetoric--and those who prefer that course should not cast their votes for me, regardless of party.

But I believe the times demand new invention, innovation, imagination, decision. I am asking each of you to be pioneers on that new frontier. My call is to the young at heart, regardless of age--to all who respond to the scriptural call: "Be not afraid, neither be dismayed."

For courage, not complacency--is our need today--leadership--not salesmanship. And the only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead, and lead vigorously. A tired nation, said David Loyd George, is a tory nation--and the United States today cannot afford to be either tired or tory.

There may be those who wish to hear more--more promises to this group or that--more harsh rhetoric about the men in the Kremlin, as a substitute for policy--more assurances of a golden future, where taxes are always low and subsidies ever high. But my promises are in the platform you have adopted--our ends will not be won by rhetoric, and we can have faith in the future only when we have faith in ourselves.

For the harsh facts of the matter are that we stand on this frontier at a turning-point in history. We must prove all over again whether this nation--or any nation so concieved--can long endure--whether our society--with it's freedom of choice, its breadth of opportunity, its range of alternatives--can compete with the single-minded advance of the Communist system.

Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure? That is the real question. Have we the nerve and the will? Can we carry through in an age when we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction--but also a race for the mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space and the inside of men's minds?

Are we up to the task--are we equal to the challenge? Are we willing to match the Russian sacrifice of the present for the future--or must we sacrifice our future in order to enjoy the present?

That is the question of the new Frontier. That is the choice our nation must make--a choice that liest not merely between two men or two parties, but between public interest and private comfort--between National greatness and National decline--between the fresh air of progress and the stale, dank atmosphere of 'normalcy'--between determined dedication and creeping mediocrity.

All mankind waits upon our decision. A whole world looks to see what we will do. We cannot fail their trust, we cannot fail to try.

It has been a long road from that first snowy day in New Hampshire to this crowded convention city. Now begins another long journey, taking me into your cities and homes all over America. Give me your help, your hand, your voice, your vote. Recall with me the words of Isaiah: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strenghth; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary."

As we face the coming challenge, we too, shall wait upon the Lord, and ask that he renew our strength. Then we shall be equal to the test. Then we shall not be weary. And then we shall prevail.

Thank you

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Gary's Asylum

Announcement of Candidacy for the Presidency
The Presidency in 1960
Address to the Houston Ministerial Association
Remarks at the University of Michigan
Address to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Inaugural Address
Kennedy and the Press
Message to the Congress, Urgent Needs
Radio and TV Address: The Berlin Crisis
Address to the United Nations
Address at the Anniversary of the Inaugural
Address at the University of California
Statement on the Steel Crisis
Commencement Address at Yale University
Address at Rice University - Space Effort
Radio and TV Address: Situation at the University of Mississippi
Radio and TV Address: Soviet Missiles in Cuba
Commencement Address at American University
Radio and TV Address: Civil Rights

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